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Influencers are In

There were 761,358 jobs cut in 2024. The year of COVID was the only exception since 15 years ago. Most of the jobs slashed were in the technology sector. Why does this matter?

Everyone got a chance to work similarly to the Gig Economy with the work from home, and it was a win/win until the micromanagers lost their minds.

We will see a major shift in the lack of hiring and uncertainty around job retention because AI implementation is on the rise—even though it’s not taking jobs 1-to-1—but the ambiguity has companies excited to scale without using additional labor. In addition, the Baby Boomer generation workers are retiring, and budgets are shrinking. What’s growing is the influencer category. Influencer marketing is on the rise, and anyone can do it. Personal branding and sharing your authenticity are at an all-time high in acceptance.

How does that apply to you?

The mass marketing approach is dead for middle-class businesses and individuals, and it’s time to reinvent your marketing strategy- including your personal brand.

Personal Branding is Everywhere.

Personal branding should be a professional requirement because all the tools have been made accessible due to our current smartphone devices. The only thing you must do is access the internet, and you’ll notice the personal branding is everywhere.

At least once a quarter, I receive news that someone lost their job or needs help connecting with people. I always ask about their LinkedIn profile. Or if they have a website.

Unfortunately, it’s the same answer. No.

Crazy, right? I always get that pushback when I tell that to a person looking for ways to expand their network and personal development. Unfortunately, for them, that’s our everyday norm.

Rory Vaden states, “One data point we discovered is that 74% of Americans said they are more likely to trust someone if that person has an established personal brand.

Authenticity is the New Standard

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, trust is more paramount than ever. Every consumer conducts their own review and analysis, declaring the originality of the content, campaign, and product. I’ve started the agency on repairing bad Google Ad accounts, botched websites, and startups that received lousy advice. I’m no savior, and there are bad actors out there, but people’s trust dial has been turned up.

We all have been burned, and that sucks. Hence, big corporations use influencers to convey trust in each commercial. One my favorite commercials are the Chipotle brand. They always present their food fresh and prepared daily while using their local restaurants and employees as influencers. Therefore, bypassing any landmines with earning customers who want fresh food.

I started to say to my clients, “I need you to be you.” Then, I started to wear my merch #beyou. It’s amazing how many conversations it creates and the good feelings when we leave because it was authentic on both ends.

Personal branding is at an all-time high because it’s authentic.
